Senin, 22 Oktober 2012


Ukuran kecepatan akses internet

Dalam pemakaiannya, Internet memiliki kecepatan akses yang berbeda-beda,bergantung kepada provider atau saluran yang digunakan. Kecepatan akses Internet dapat diukur dari lebar pita (bandwidth) yang merupakan ukuran dari besarnya kapasitas untuk pemindahan atau transfer data. Semakin besarbandwidth yang dimiliki, maka kecepatan aksesnya semakin besar.
Satuan kecepatan akses Internet adalah Kbps (kilobits per second) atau Mbps (megabits per second ). 1 kilobits sama dengan 1.000 bits dan 1 megabits sama dengan 1.000.000 bits. Misalnya, kecepatan akses Internet suatu komputer adalah 56 Kbps. Artinya, komputer tersebut dapat mendownload data sebesar 56 Kb dalam waktu 1 detik.
Pada kenyataannya, kecepatan akses Internet dipengaruhi oleh faktor-faktor lain. Faktor yang mempengaruhikecepatan akses Internet diantaranya adalah:
  1. Kecepatan komputer pelanggan.
  2. Kepadatan lalu lintas Internet sepanjang rute yang dilalui.
  3. Besar bandwidth yang disewa ISP ke Backbone Internet.
  4. Jumlah yang mengakses server secara bersamaan.
  5. Kemampuan dan kecepatan server dimana pelanggan menakses.
Berikut ini adalah kecepatan akses Internet berdasarkan saluran yang digunakannya.
1. Kecepatan Akses Internet dengan Dial Up melalui Jalur PSTN
Cara menghubungkan komputer ke Internet menggunakan kabel telepon biasa atau lebih sering disebut dial upDial up melalui jalur PSTN (Public Switched Telephone Network) melalui jaringan telepon reguler (PSTN), contohnya adalah “Telkomnet Instan” dari ISP Telkom.
Dial up merupakan cara mengakses Internet dengan menghubungkan komputer ke Internet melalui saluran telepon rumah. Untuk melakukan sambungan dial upmembutuhkan alat bantu yang disebut modem. Pada umumnya, komputer yang digunakan untuk dial up merupakan komputer tunggal. Kecepatan akses Internet menggunakan dial up mencapai 56 kbps. Tetapi, jika akses dilakukan pada siang hari, kecepatannya akan berkurang karena saluran telepon sangat sibuk.
2. Kecepatan Akses Internet dengan ADSL
ADSL (Asymetric Digital Subscriber Line) adalah suatu teknolohi modem yang bekerja pada frekuensi antara 34 kHz sampai 1104 kHz.
Bandwidth maksimum yang didapat apabila kita menggunakan aksese Internet menggunakan ADSL adalah:
  • Untuk line rate 384 Kbps, bandwidth maksimum yang didapatkan mendekati 337 Kbps.
  • Untuk line rate 384 Kbps, throughput rata-rata (kecepatan download) yang bisa didapatkan sekitar 40 Kbps.
  • Untuk line rate 512 Kbps, bandwidth maksimum yang didapatkan mendekati 450 kbps.
  • Untuk line rate 512 Kbps, throughput rata-rata (kecepatan download) yang biasa didapatkan sekitar 52 Kbps.
3. Kecepatan Akses Internet dengan GPRS
Kebutuhan industri akan komunikasi yang mobile menyebabkan GPRS menjadi salah satu teknologi komunikasi data yang banyak digunakan saat ini. GPRS adalah kepanjangan dari General Packet Radio Service, yaitu komunikasi data dan suara yang dilakukan dengan menggunakan gelombang radio. GPRS memiliki kemampuan untuk mengkomunikasikan data dan suara pada saat alat komunikasi bergerak (mobile).
Dalam teorinya, GPRS menjanjikan kecepatan mulai dari 56 kbps sampai 115 kbps sehingga memungkinkan akses Internet, pengiriman data multimedia ke komputer atau notebook.
4. Kecepatan Akses Internet dengan 3G
3G adalah singkatan dari third-generation technology. Istilah ini umumnya digunakan mengacu kepada perkembangan teknologi telepon nirkabel (wireless).
3G sebagai sebuah solusi nirkabel yang memberikan kecepatan akses sebagai berikut:
  • Sebesar 144 Kbps untuk kondisi bergerak cepat (mobile).
  • Sebesar 384 Kbps untuk kondisi berjalan (pedestrian).
  • Sebesar 2 Mbps untuk kondisi statik di suatu tempat.
5. Kecepatan Akses Internet dengan WiFi
Teknologi jaringan tanpa kabel yang dikenal dengan Wirelless Fidelity (WiFi) menggunakan frekuensi tinggi berada pada spektrum 2,4 GHz. WiFi (Wirelless Fidelity) adlah koneksi tanpa kabel seperti handphone dengan mempergunakan teknologi radio sehingga pemakainya dapat mentransfer data dengan cepat dan aman.
6. Kecepatan Akses Internet dengan Wireless Broadband
Wireless Broadband memungkinkan akses internet broadband ke berbagai perangkat, termasuk handphone, komputer, notebook, dan PDA. Dari segi mobilitas, wireless broadband juga dinilai lebih efisien ketimbang WiFi yang sekarang menjadi standar Internet nirkabel. Jangkauan WiFi masih terbatas kira-kira sampai 100 meter, sementara wireless broadband diklaim dapat diakses sampai jarak 1 kilometer dari stasiun pemancarnya.
7. Kecepatan Akses Internet dengan LAN (Local Area Network)
Salah satu cara untuk terhubung ke Internet adalah dengan mengubungkan komputer ke jaringan komputer yang terhubung ke Internet. LAN mempunyai kecepatan transfer data 10,100 atau 1000 Mbps.
8. Kecpatan Akses Internet dengan TV Kabel
Jaringan TV kabel ini dapat dipakai untuk koneksi ke Internet dengan kecepatan maksimum 27 Mbps downstream (kecepatan download ke pengguna) dan 2,5 Mbps upstream (kecepatan upload dari pengguna). Agar dapat menggunakan modem kabel, komputer harus dilengkapi dengan kartu ethernet (ethernet card).

Kamis, 27 September 2012

News reader1

Protesters Breach House’s Front Gate

Protesters staging a demonstration on Jl. Gatot Subroto, Central Jakarta on Friday, destroyed tall fences in front of the House of Representatives compound and threatened to attack the building should lawmakers approve the government’s proposal to increase subsidized fuel prices today.

Despite successfully destroying the fences, however, protesters failed to enter the building as police formed a heavy cordon just outside the building, preventing them from doing so.

Jakarta Police spokesman Sr. Cmr Rikwanto told The Jakarta Post that the protesters should disperse, citing the fact that the police had only given the protesters a permit to stage a rally until 5 p.m.

"However, we won't start anything that can provoke further violence. Our negotiation team is working to calm and disband them," he said on Friday.

"Perhaps the protesters will lose their patience and feel aggrieved because of the indecisiveness [of lawmakers] inside the building," he added. (iwa/sat)


Goldilocks And The Three Bears
    Once upon a time in a large forest, close to a village, stood the cottage where the Teddy Bear family lived. They were not really proper Teddy Bears, for Father Bear was very big, Mother Bear was middling in size, and only Baby Bear could be described as a Teddy Bear.
    Each bear had its own size of bed. Father Bear's was large and nice and comfy. Mother Bear's bed was middling in size, while Baby Bear had a fine little cherrywood bed that Father Bear had ordered from a couple of beaver friends.
    Beside the fireplace, around which the family sat in the evenings, stood a large carved chair for the head of the house, a delightful blue velvet armchair for Mother Bear, and a very little chair for Baby Bear.
    Neatly laid out on the kitchen table stood three china bowls. A large one for Father Bear, a smaller one for Mother Bear, and a little bowl for Baby Bear.
    The neighbors were all very respectful to Father Bear and people raised their hats when he went by. Father Bear liked that and he always politely replied to their greetings. Mother Bear had lots of friends. She visited them in the afternoons to exchange good advice and recipes for jam and bottled fruit. Baby Bear, however, had hardly any friends. This was partly because he was rather a bully and liked to win games and arguments. He was a pest too and always getting into mischief. Not far away, lived a fair-haired little girl who had a similar nature to Baby Bear, only she was haughty and stuck-up as well, and though Baby Bear often asked her to come and play at his house, she always said no.
    One day, Mother Bear made a nice pudding. It was a new recipe, with blueberries and other crushed berries. Her friends told her it was delicious. When it was ready, she said to the family:
    "It has to be left to cool now, otherwise it won't taste nice. That will take at least an hour. Why don't we go and visit the Beavers' new baby? Mummy Beaver will be pleased to see us." Father Bear and Baby Bear would much rather have tucked into the pudding, warm or not, but they liked the thought of visiting the new baby.
    'We must wear our best clothes, even for such a short visit. Everyone at the Beavers' will be very busy now, and we must not stay too long!" And so they set off along the pathway towards the river bank. A short time later, the stuck-up little girl, whose name was Goldilocks, passed by the Bears' house as she picked flowers.
    "Oh, what an ugly house the Bears have!" said Goldilocks to herself as she went down the hill. "I'm going to peep inside! It won't be beautiful like my house, but I'm dying to see where Baby Bear lives.' Knock! Knock! The little girl tapped on the door. Knock! Knock! Not a sound...
    "Surely someone will hear me knocking," Goldilocks said herself, impatiently. "Anyone at home?" she called, peering round the door. Then she went into the empty house and started to explore the kitchen.
    "A pudding!" she cried, dipping her finger into the pudding Mother Bear had left to cool. "Quite nice!" she murmured, spooning it from Baby Bear's bowl. In a twinkling, the bowl lay empty on a messy table. With a full tummy, Goldilocks went on exploring.
    "Now then, this must be Father Bear's chair, this will be Mother Bear's, and this one must belong to my friend, Baby Bear. I'll just sit on it a while!" With these words, Goldilocks sat herself down onto the little chair which, quite unused to such a sudden weight, promptly broke a leg. Goldilocks crashed to the floor, but not in the least dismayed by the damage she had done, she went upstairs.
    There was no mistaking which was Baby Bear's bed.
    "Mm! Quite comfy!" she said, I bouncing on it. "Not as nice as mine, but nearly! Then she yawned. I think I'll lie down, only for a minute just to try the bed." And in next to no time, Goldilocks lay fast asleep in Baby Bear's bed. In the meantime, the Bears were on their way home.

    "Wasn't the new Beaver baby ever so small?" said Baby Bear to his mother. Was I as tiny as that when I was born?"
    "Not quite, but almost," came the reply, with a fond caress. From a distance, Father Bear noticed the door was ajar.
     "Hurry!" he cried. "Someone is in our house . . ." Was Father Bear hungry or did a thought strike him? Anyway, he dashed into the kitchen. "I knew it! Somebody has gobbled up the pudding."
    "Someone has been jumping up and down on my armchair!" complained Mother Bear.
    "and somebody's broken my chair!" wailed Baby Bear.
    Where could the culprit be? They all ran upstairs and tiptoed in amazement over to Baby Bear's bed. In it lay Goldilocks, sound asleep. Baby Bear prodded her toe.
    "Who's that? Where am I?" shrieked the little girl, waking with a start. Taking fright at the scowling faces bending over her, she clutched the bedclothes up to her chin. Then she jumped out of bed and fled down the stairs.
    "Get away! Away from that house!" she told herself as she ran, forgetful of all the trouble she had so unkindly caused. But Baby Bear called from the door, waving his arm:
    "Don't run away! Come back! I forgive you, come and play with me!"
    And this is how it all ended. From that day onwards, haughty rude Goldilocks became a pleasant little girl. She made friends with Baby Bear and often went to his house. She invited him to her house too, and they remained good friends, always.

Selasa, 15 Mei 2012

Hack Story (Clone 1 NPC) v.6080

.....Hotkey tinggal lihat hotkey di cheatnya.....

Jangan lupa copy 045.acv ke folder "Data" ayodance kamu

nggk pake lama ... langsung download cheatnya ajh agan

Hack Kiss & Reset BP v.6080

- Hack Kiss
- Reset All BP


Selasa, 10 April 2012

Cheat Story Ayodance v.6079

Fitur : 
- Take Exp And No Change Server
- Story ON/OFF
- Panggil Pasukan 5 NPC
- Skip Pin 2nd
- Cut Bacot NPC
- Time Hack 1 Second

Sabtu, 07 April 2012

Hack Special Part II v.6079

.....Hotkey tinggal lihat hotkey di cheatnya.....

Jangan lupa copy 045.acv ke folder "Data" ayodance kamu

nggk pake lama ... langsung do
wnload cheat nya nihh....